About Talk2

chat with me, anonymous is enough

Why simple communicate need bind any social media account or email or phone number, we don't like this!! we care about privacy, so Talk2 hope you to keep anonymous.

Use our service, you can create as many chat room as you can, and share the Talk2 Link to anyone you like, when people got the link, they don't even need to install any app, also can reach you.

Old version name: Holi Chat.



  • You must be at least 18 years old or the minimum legal age in your country to use Talk2.
  • You can't impersonate others or provide inaccurate information.
  • You can't do anything unlawful, misleading, or fraudulent or for an illegal or unauthorized purpose.
  • You can't do anything to interfere with or impair the intended operation of the Service.
  • You can't attempt to create accounts or access or collect information in unauthorized ways.
  • You can't post private or confidential information or do anything that violates someone else's rights, including intellectual property.
  • You can't share content contains illegal content such as pornography / crime / bloody / violence
  • You can't post any objectionable content or abusive users


Content Removal and Disabling or Terminating Your Account

We can remove any content or information you share on the Service if we believe that it violates these Terms of Use, our policies, or we are permitted or required to do so by law. We can refuse to provide or stop providing all or part of the Service to you (including terminating or disabling your account) immediately to protect our community or services, or if you create risk or legal exposure for us, violate these Terms of Use or our policies , if you repeatedly infringe other people's intellectual property rights, or where we are permitted or required to do so by law. If we take action to disable or terminate your account, we will notify you where appropriate. If you believe your account has been terminated in error, or you want to disable or permanently delete your account, consult our [Contact Us] at Dashboard [Top-Right Button] .



privacy is most important for all of us;
Talk2 don't have account or require login, user base is not important for us
Talk2 don't guarantee your chat room message when will be deleted
Talk2 never use your data for machine learning or AI.

Be aware, once you delete Talk2 chat room, all chat messages will desotry at the sametime. Or when you uninstall our app / clear Talk2 app data, you will become another anonymous, all chat room and messages will disappear, that is because no one know who you are even us.



All sticker, come from web site around the world, Talk2 can not and didn’t save any sticker on our server; so it could be broken textures, if those source reject for public access.
If sticker subject to copyright, try to click on sticker, it’s will show the image source come from which web site, then you can contact to those website administrator and request them do not enable sticker for public access or un-publish. Once this action done, all those sticker will be broken on our app.

Privacy Policy

Thank you for reading the privacy policy of Talk2 Thank you for taking the time to read this policy.

You trust us and are willing to give us your information. We are really grateful, and we will never disappoint your trust. First of all, we must make sure that you understand the type of information we collect, the reason for collection, how it is used, and what choices you can make about your information. This policy hopes to explain our privacy practices in plain text and minimize legal and technical language.

This privacy policy will be applicable from September 30, 2021.
  1. Obligation to inform the collection of personal information
    • Purpose of collecting personal data:
      • Statutory specific items 052: Internal management of member or other member roster, such as website authentication, simple registration of cooperative vendors (including but not limited to the use of Facebook ID, Google ID, and Apple ID, etc.)
      • Statutory specific item 152: Advertising or business conduct management
      • Statutory Specific Project 157: Investigation, Statistics and Research Analysis
      • Statutory specific item 136: Information (communication) and database management
    • Personal data category:
      • C001 Individual identification: email, social website profile picture
      • C011 Personal description: Your nickname on the community site
      • C035 Leisure activities and interests: such as hobbies, sports and other interests (content provided by yourself in the dialogue message).
      • C036 Lifestyle: such as the types of consumer goods used and the details of services, personal or family consumption patterns, etc. (content provided by yourself in the dialogue message).
    • The period, region, object and method of using personal data: Talk2 in its service area (global) and related services and activities, based on the purpose of providing Collect, process, use, and save through the Internet, e-mail, etc., with your consent or based on contractual relationships and other circumstances that comply with relevant personal data protection laws and regulations, and use the following:
      • Provide Talk2 service and continue to maintain and improve, including providing additional functions and content
      • Talk2 service, respond to your comments, questions and needs, and provide customer service.
      • Talk2 service activity monitoring and data analysis
      • Identify, verify, due diligence or know your customer
      • Protect personal safety and rights, property or the safety of others
      • Perform due diligence or other filtering actions (including but not limited to background checks) in accordance with legal or regulatory obligations or our risk management procedures (according to legal requirements or implemented by us)
    • How to withdraw consent, removal, information you provide to us
      Your data will be scheduled to delete messages that are too long within a period of 30 to 60 days. Rooms that have been idle for a long time and accounts that have not been logged in will be scheduled to be deleted in 1 year. You can also do nothing and wait for the system to delete itself. If you want to delete immediately, please do the following:
      • Delete room: Enter the room, set/others in the upper right corner, if it is your room, please use the [Delete] button, if it is not your room, please press the [Leave] button
      • Delete the message: Long press the message content to delete it completely without saving it; or ask the owner/administrator in the group to help delete all the message
      • Delete personal information and community binding: open the application, click on the personal avatar in the upper right corner, unbind the account, and remove the avatar and nickname
      • Uninstall You use the standard uninstall procedure of your device. After you uninstall the application, you can stop the information collection operation of the application. If you uninstall the application from your mobile device, the unique identification code associated with your device will be kept continuously.
      • If you still have question on delete, please Contact our service team
  2. The Talk2 service will only use the personal data provided by you for the specific purpose at the time of collection, except in the following circumstances:
    • Received by the police/prosecutor/judicial/tax collection agencies or other competent agencies based on legal procedures.
    • Other compliance with relevant personal data protection laws and regulations.
  3. Children's privacy
    • Our service is only available to users over 18 years of age. We don’t allow people under 18 to use our platform. And we will not deliberately collect personal information from anyone under the age of 18. Please confirm that you are over 18 years old before using our service.
  4. Cookie policy: Talk2 will use cookies to allow Talk2 service website servers to recognize your computer-related records, only after you agree to keep logged in or after each login, Talk2 can correspond to you personally through cookies. Most browsers accept cookies by default; however, you can also choose to refuse to accept cookies. You can choose to modify the browser’s acceptance of cookies in the browser’s settings, including accepting all cookies, being notified when cookies are set, and rejecting all cookies.
  5. You may not publish private or confidential information (including but not limited to your or anyone else’s credit card information, bank account information, ID number, passport number, social security number, driver’s license number, Non-public phone number or e-mail).
  6. You agree that the Talk2 service may transmit, use and process your personal data in Taiwan or any other Talk2 self-owned or outsourced data processing center location.

If you have any questions about Talk2 privacy policy, please contact Talk2 Customer Service: 17hado.com+talk2@gmail.com

Talk2 Contact

4F., No. 9, Ln. 6, Sec. 1, Xiping Rd., Xizhi Dist., New Taipei City 221, Taiwan (R.O.C.)

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Click on the platform that you wanna try

馬戲團 馬戲團


或許這個馬戲團不能帶給你歡樂,那我們想,至少也有一個可以讓我們解放自己的舞台。 ≮♤馬戲團招生中♡≯ 自訂角色呀(´▽`) ex:舞女-XX 在馬戲團內盡量不要有重複職業,不然筆記內的自介容易混亂(咳,其實還好(?) 啊咧?你們問本版規君什麼是自介(•౪• ) 討厭,這個任務就交給小丑大大來說了(羞) 小丑:......(燦笑 遭惹,倫家明白惹那笑容的真正含義(((゚Д゚;))) 好吧… 自介=自我介紹,解釋的好爛(´◔ ₃ ◔`) 旁白君:咳,我是版規/旁白君(´・ω・`) 大家要好好相處呀(≧∇≦)/ 嗯對,就醬。(就是這麼簡單粗暴(# 小丑:聽說最近好像挺流行鬧鬼的馬戲團(???? (歡迎嘗試####) 本君在此宣布,無限制文字數量的版規在此!不然本君的出場機會就沒惹qwq 有什麼問題歡迎問本君,本君樂意回答d(`・∀・)b 本君是口愛的藍孩紙w 歡迎吃掉我呦//////(羞(捂臉 終於本君有實體啦~本版規後期都是廢話可以省略不看ww(咳咳,前面廢話其實也挺多的。 對啦,這裡可以組cp(≧∇≦)/ 咱們馬戲團很樂意被放閃(?(喜歡看別人閃還是閃別人的都歡迎加入,因為裡面真的很閃(墨鏡販售中,買一送一(?) 本君明明就很溫柔(ゝ∀・)(請問是溫柔的相反詞嗎 本君提醒一下呀!這裡是演戲群不是什麼交友娛樂不拉不拉的群(?)請各位想要交友的大碰油小碰油,不要來這裡喔,不然會增加不必要的麻煩,請各位見諒(;・`д・´)(等等這句什麼時候有的ww ◈❣馬戲團CP區❣◈ 1、♂霧雨堂×♂獪岳【基友組】 (腹黑年下攻×高冷傲嬌受) 2、♀伊織×♂二【花花組】 (撒花小花童×吃花的獅子) 3、♀伊織×♀燭【山羊組】 (咩咩咩咩咩×咩咩咩咩咩) 4、♂凡薩特×♂二【馴獸組】 (精靈馴獸師×吃花的獅子) 5、♂獪岳×♀幽菲【伙食組】 (馬戲團主廚×烘培師舞女) 6、♂凡薩特×♀伊織【非人組】 (精靈王兒子×犄角小姐姐) 7、♂獪岳×♀伊織【熊抱組】 (面癱樹幹男×無尾熊抱女) 8、♀湘凝×♀伊織【抱抱組】 (抱抱抱抱抱×抱抱抱抱抱) 9、♀湘凝×♂小二【自戀組】 (自誇的箱子×自戀的獅子) 10、♀幽菲×♂小二【親信組】 (親信對象女×雞蛋糕獅子) 11、♂獪岳×♀伊織【鴨子組】 (呱呱呱呱呱×呱呱呱呱呱) 12、♀伊織×♂獪岳【戒菸組】 (拿糖換煙女×戒菸男主角) 13、♂二×♂獪岳【飲酒組】 (喝到爛醉男×借酒澆愁男) 14、♀冶莣×♂二【爆破組】 (廚房炸彈客×雞蛋劊子手) 15、♀惠嬌×♀momo醬【姊妹組】 (溫柔霸氣姐×甜軟可人妹) 16、♂蘿蔔乾×♀伊織【花藝組】 (植物花藝師×撒花小花童) 17、♂二×♀海【二獅組】 (吃花的獅子×正常的獅子) 18、♂K×♀月【商販組】 (毒品供應商×服裝道具師) 19、♂二×♂余【獅虎組】 (雞蛋糕天使×鈴鐺守護者) 20、♀湘凝×♀姬【香雞組】 (角落的箱子×放肆的鴿子) 21、♀湘凝×♂諾【相機組】 (業餘截圖組×專業攝影師) ♧≯馬戲團管管留言板≮♢ 神秘人:喂,敢不給老子改名?小心老子送你踢+封套餐,閉嘴畜生,給老子乖乖改名(冷笑 旁白君:↑這才不是本君打的,本君沒那麼凶(|||゚д゚) 獪岳:(笑望←[抓到兇手] 小伊:(默默撒花完跑走) 小箱:(撿走花花不讓小二吃# 獅子:那是我要吃的花瓣!(搶著撿花瓣) 凡:二…你應該是吃肉的。(扶額) 冶莣:我就只是來看戲。(吃爆米花 小伊:我也要!!(坐旁邊吃爆米花) 幽菲:我们马戲團的獅子确定是獅子......?(望) 小丑:看來有隻不得了的獅子´` 幽菲:很不得了。(笑)(吃糖) 旁白君:本君也要來湊熱鬧(๑•̀ㅂ•́)و✧ 小伊:現在馬戲團有冷氣還有會做菜的人,很棒。(氣音) 幽菲:還有一個會做甜点的!!! 小箱:我是一個在角落搞自閉的箱子(偷看 幽菲:不準搞自閉。(把箱子抓来中間) 小箱:(默默移回角落 幽菲:...... 小伊:(輕敲箱子三下)箱子小姐箱子小姐,請問您在嗎? 小箱:(打開偷看 小伊:(抱) 小箱:嗷嗷嗷嗷!小伊妳好可愛昂(抱緊 小伊:我已經不知道被說可愛多少次了。(掩面) 湘凝:我吵我煩人,我閉嘴。(笑 小伊:(用花做了花圈,獲得了花圈) 旁白君:...箱子君一點都不吵´^`(抱箱子君 小伊:(把花圈戴在旁白君頭上後一起抱箱子) 旁白君:是花圈!(o゚ω゚o)! 小伊:沒錯!耶! 小箱:(把小伊跟旁白拉進箱子裡抱緊 小伊:(抱緊處理) 小箱:想死泥萌惹!(蹭蹭 神秘人:獪岳嬌喘戲現正放映中。 幽菲:鹅鹅鹅鹅。(´ຶ∀ຶ)(谜之笑聲) 小箱:被笑聲戳到笑點(捂臉 小伊:基友組,香。(掩面) 小箱:是腹黑年下攻喔…(小聲 小伊:加入馬戲團可以享受到基友組的日常互動,還有吃可食用花瓣,又有人親自幫你下廚,這麼好的福利還不快來!我們還免費提供抱抱服務!沒有壞處只有好處啊各位!(業配) 謎:筆記裡面有嬌喘。(氣音) 小箱:噓…那個是秘密##(捂住樓上嘴 小箱:(過來清掃荒廢數日的版規 小伊:(飛快的跑過) 小箱:樓、樓上難不成是伊賀忍著(? 冶莣:本馬戲團准許殺生。(舉牌(? 小箱:誰???誰死了??? 小箱:獅虎組是很萌的基友組呀(? 箱子很兇 會咬人 幽菲:箱子很兇那句.......假的。箱子明明很可爱。(心虚 旁白君:嗯吶,箱子君很可愛(灬ºωº灬) 箱子:最近的我有點安份,都沒搞事(搓手手 小伊:咩呱嘎。 幽菲:这版规到底多久没更新了。(打扫 箱子:好可惜(氣音 旁白君:總覺得、好像出現了個熟悉的人來|ω・`) 箱子:被、被發現了(躲箱子偷看 幽菲:復活吧馬戲團!!!(撒花 箱子:嗶嗶滴巴布滴蹦!(揮法杖 小伊:嗶哩嗶哩小魔仙出場! 箱子:勉強復活的馬戲團(? 旁白君:版規又該重新打掃了呢...(掃 默劇演員:(? 小箱子:你大家!快來玩呀——!(喊)